9A Summer 2 Week 6 23/24
This week in maths, we continued learning about position and direction. We have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise directions, applying our learning of fractions when talking about quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns, plotting coordinates to draw shapes and translating shapes…
9A Summer 2 Week 4
These weeks are just flying by - and the warm weather is definitely helping!
This week we have introduced a new regulation slot into out timetable. This involves getting outside and using battle ropes to get us energised in a morning. The learners have enjoyed spending this time outside. In…
9A Summer 2 Week 3
This week started with us introducing 'Snack Shop', where our learners were given spending money for the week that they will use to 'buy' their snacks this week. We have been VERY generous with the pricing, with a whole piece of toast only costing 5p and a packet of crisp costing 10p. This will…

Week 1 9A Summer 2
Welcome back 9A, how fast has this year gone? We are in our final term of Year 9! We’ve had a very busy year, and have lots planned for a busy last term.
This week in maths we are looking at division, the learners used whiteboards and multilink to find ways of splitting numbers equally.
In My…

9A Summer Week 4
Another great week in 9A. The sunshine has finally made an appearance which has made us all feel so much better. We had a lovely visit to Withy Grove Park and enjoyed our lunches in the sunshine.We played on the park and some of us had a game of football before we went to the kiosk to buy some ice…

9A Summer 1 Week 1
What a great first week back for 9A. We all came back well rested with lots of stories about what the learners did over the holidays.
The learners were all put into different houses for the half term and are linked up with learners in year 7 and 8. They will be earning points for the houses.…
Hollywood Bowl Bowling Competition 9A/9P
On Friday 1st March a mixed team from 9A and 9P were invited through to the next round of a bowling competition they had competed in and previously won.. Schools from across Lancashire, Cheshire , Greater Manchester and Merseyside met together at Hollywood Bowl at Middlebrook. The learners were…

9A Week 2- Term 2
On Monday morning we had maths. We finished off our Capacity work and played a game to test how much we remembered. In my communication we had a think of some questions about the police to ask the PCSO on Wednesday. After lunch we did yoga to help get us ready to learn again. Then we learnt about…

Merry Christmas from 9A
This last couple of weeks we have been on the countdown to Christmas in 9A we have made lots of Christmas crafts and enjoyed some Christmas films. This week has been extra special and we have had lots of fun. We started the week with our Christmas production and and I’m sure you will agree our…

Hanukkah in 9A
Today in 9A we have been learning about Hanukkah which is the Jewish festival of light. We looked at how Jewish people might celebrate. We learned what the menorah represents and then we made our own menorah lamps. In food tech we had a go at making some Hanukkah sweets. Everyone thought they were…

9A enjoy the Pantomime.
This week 9A we’re lucky enough to visit the pantomime at Victoria Hall in Bolton. We travelled with some other classes to see Cinderella and Mr Welsh kindly drove us in the school minibus whilst some travelled on the coach. Everyone found the pantomime very funny with lots of silly jokes. The…

Week 7 9A
Last week in school, we are all ready for a rest after a busy half-term.
On Monday morning the learners started to create their own Kahoot! Quiz about the things they have learnt over the last half term. In My Thinking and Problem Solving we played a game to work on our number value and…