We have had a very busy week this week in 9A! 



In our My Communication lessons, half of the class have been learning about the book - “Meg and Mog” and half of the class have been studying passages from Harry Potter. They have all engaged really well with their new learning and have become more confident at identifying key words in a passage/text. 



In our My Thinking and Problem Solving lessons, we have been learning about the value of numbers and some of the pupils have moved onto learning how to add numbers in different ways. We have also learnt maths skills through our cooking and potions lessons. This week we made cheese and ham toasties as well as Tiramisu! The children enjoyed eating them at snack time. 



Some pupils in the class learnt about how to identify their likes/dislikes this week in PSHE and the other children learnt about changing moods. In our PE lessons, we learnt throwing and catching skills linked to rugby and some pupils played a small-sized tag rugby game, with limitations.



We have accessed the community this week through our shopping trips and visit to the library. We have also had the opportunity to have a walk with Coco the therapy dog during golden time. 



The whole of 9A received a special mention in assembly this week for their excellent understanding and ability to stay calm in difficult situations this week and for always supporting as well as emphasising with their peers. We’re so proud of you all! 



Have a brilliant weekend, 


The 9A Team 


Miss Buck, Ms Carter, Miss Berry and Miss Howarth