On Tuesday, Beech Class celebrated pancake day. 

We had a pancake themed sensory tray where we could sprinkle flour, make playdoh pancakes, and flip them in the pan using a spatula. 

Mrs Barrand made a messy pancake during Attention Autism!!! She used flour, milk, and cracked pretend eggs to make the mixture. It was all mixed together before a playdoh pancake appeared in the pan. Mrs Barrand flipped the pancake high up in the air. We all enjoyed watching. 

Later that day we got a turn to make our very own real pancakes. We carefully poured the water into the mixture and then gave it a shake to make sure it was all mixed together. The mixture was then poured into a pan and some of us watched it cook. We could choose chocolate or strawberry sauce as our topping. They were so yummy!!!!

Great work Beech Class!!