21 Mar

Fun in Beech 2025

What another fun week in Beech class! We finished our topic on pirates by painting our own flags, role playing and exploring the sea themed trays. 

We have enjoyed working on our fine motor skills, exploring animals, reading stories and playing in the sunshine! We have also loved making our…

14 Mar

Pirate fun in Beech

We have all had so much fun in Beech class this week. We have continued our pirate topic by enjoying sea themed tuff trays, pirate small world and engaged in boat themed attention autisms. 

On Tuesday, we engaged in a music session. We explored different instruments and enjoyed dancing…

7 Mar

Pirates, pancakes and books in Beech

We have had such a busy week this week exploring all activities. We’ve continued our topic of pirates by finding treasure in ice, decorating parrots, finding messages in bottles and cutting and sticking different outfits on the pirates. 

On Tuesday we celebrated pancake day. We enjoyed role…

28 Feb

A-Hoy there Beech class

What a fabulous week we’ve had to the start of spring 2. This term beech have become pirates! 

We have had so much fun exploring all things pirate and sea themed tuff trays, finding hidden treasure, having a go at walking across the plank and loved dressing up! 

During attention autism,…

14 Feb

Love, Bugs and Friendships in Beech

What a great start to 2025 Beech class have had!  

To end our topic of bugs, we explored spiders, lady birds, used magnifying glasses to find the hidden creepy crawlies and used the splatter to splat the bugs. 

We enjoyed exploring books, playing music, making friendships and enjoyed a…

7 Feb

Bugs in Beech

This week Beech class have enjoyed learning all about bugs. During continuous provision, we used different materials to find the hidden bugs, explored the rhyme ‘incy wincy spider’, made playdoh insects, coloured in pictures and read stories all about the creepy crawlies. 

We also enjoyed…

31 Jan

Caterpillars and Butterflies in Beech

This week Beech class continued to explore the very hungry caterpillar. During continuous provision, we looked at what food the caterpillar ate, chopped and tasted more fruit, decorated beautiful pictures, created caterpillar number lines and dressed up as butterflies. We also loved playing…

24 Jan

Beech become Hungry Caterpillars

Beech class have started on our new topic ‘Mini Beasts’. This week we explored the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. 

We enjoyed listening to the story during AA, chopped and tasted different fruit, made caterpillars from playdoh and explored a range of sensory trays. We also did amazing…

17 Jan

A wintry week in Beech

This week Beech class have continued to explore winter. During our continuous provision, we explored different sensory snowmen, washed arctic animals, made our own snow and counted ice cream scoops. 

During our adult led activities, we used our fine motor to do some cutting and sticking,…

10 Jan

Beech class explore winter

What a lovely first week Beech class have had. We have settled back into the routine really well, done some amazing communication and are ready for a fun year ahead. 

To begin the term, this week we have explored winter. During our continuous provision and attention autism, we explored…

20 Dec

Merry Christmas Beech Class

What a wonderful end to the year we have had in Beech class. 

This week, we continued our Christmas activities to get ready for Santa! We all had a turn at making reindeer food, decorating Christmas pictures and enjoyed exploring Christmas themed sensory trays. We also welcomed a new member…

13 Dec

A festive week in Beech

Beech class have had such a lovely week celebrating Christmas! 

Throughout our continuous provision, we decorated Christmas trees made from sand and tinsel, cut Santa's beard, chopped some carrots for the reindeers and explored a range of wintery scenes with different sensory…