Maple class love stories and books so we were excited for World Book Day! Harrison brought one of his favourite books to class ‘Superworm!’ (I love this one too!) and shared it with myself and his friends. Maple class enjoyed lots of activities linked to The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss in the continuous provision, through AA sessions and food tech. During Stage 1 AA Miss Woods blew up a large balloon with lots of blue hair and shook blue tinsel shakers. At Stage 2 Miss made a large hat using a stencil and coloured sand. We liked Stage 3 where we chose to wear the hat and gloves or the funny blue wig. Afterwards we added blue paint to create funny hair on photos of the staff. We have enjoyed taking turns to knock over stripy cups using beanbags and find photos of our friends in the sensory trays. Afterwards we chopped up strawberries and bananas to make our own stripy fruit skewers.

in the afternoon we enjoyed sensory exploration of the story Handa’s Surprise led by Karen Brereton our Speech and Language Therapist. In the sensory room, we activated lots of different animals from the story, listened to African music and tasted or explored all the 7 wonderful fruits that Handa was collecting for her friends. We liked the pineapple and mango, banana and tangerines the best but did not like the avocado!