11R have had a busy couple of weeks this term!
In science we have been learning about plants and their parts and we got the chance to dissect some lilies and take them apart to look at all the parts up close and in person. We’ve also been looking at seed dispersal and all the different ways this happens. We’ve also been continuing our volunteering at Chorley in Bloom, planting a variety of seeds and discussing when the best time to plant them is.
For Safer Internet day we looked at the history of technology and how it’s changed in the last 100 years, prompting learners to tell the staff we’re ‘well old’ because we know what a Walkman is! In the afternoon we looked at what scamming and phishing is, watching a bit of Scam Interceptors and talking about how to spot a scam and how to keep ourselves safe from them. We also looked at our digital footprint and how that can impact the way we use technology.
On Wednesday we had some learners go to Lancashire Fire and Rescue to talk to the firefighters and staff about what it’s like to be firefighter, and we got a tour of the station, being shown round the kit and both of the engines that were there. We’ve been doing a lot of work on careers this year and to get this opportunity to go on a visit was really special.
This week in school it’s also Children’s Mental Health week and we’ve been using our lessons on the zones of regulation talk about how we feel and how that can affect other people. We’ve also been talking about strategies we can put into place to help us when we feel these negative feelings. To continue this, on Thursday afternoon we made friendship bracelets with positive messages on them to remind us that we are amazing and important just as we are.
We hope everyone has a safe and happy half-term and we’ll see when you get back!
Mrs Powell, Mrs Woods and Miss Carter