It has been another great week in 11G this week and we are all thrilled to have Miss Greenwood back in class with us!


On Monday morning we continued our Maths work on shape ready for our Personal Progress portfolios whilst those working towards their entry level exams worked on some practice papers. 

In the afternoon we all walked to the library as part of our Community Action work. It was nice and quiet when we got there so we took advantage of the big space and all found a book that we were interested in. We also worked on solving a problem whilst in the community and asking for help from a safe stranger. 


On Tuesday morning we all started to watch the next episode of Wild Isles as part of our English work. We watched as a golden eagle brought food to her chicks in the nest and learnt about how the chicks will find it difficult to find somewhere to build a nest once they leave their mother due to so much of the woodlands being destroyed by humans. We also watched a robin struggling to feed due to the snow and saw how the robin followed a wild boar as they cleared the snow with their snout, meaning that the robin could then find the worms in the grass below. We used these scenes to inspire us to write and worked on sentence structure and using a capital letter and full stop in the correct place. 


Tuesday afternoon was split into two, Mrs Fisher and Mr Crofts took one group at a time into the food tech room to make a tray bake whilst Mrs Cobham and Miss Brown stayed in class to lead a Good to Be Me session on worries. Everyone shared something that worries them and they discussed how helpful it can be to talk about your worries with a friend or family member. 


On Wednesday morning, Mrs Mahood was in class. The class discussed ideas for enterprise ideas to be able to raise money for our prom and Mrs Mahood came up with a brilliant idea of a meal deal to sell to staff on a Wednesday. Everyone helped to prepare sandwiches to use for samples and the tray bakes from Tuesday’s cooking session were cut up into small pieces for sampling too. The class split into smaller groups and went around school giving out free samples and handing out feedback forms to staff so that they could use the information that they gained to help them to decide what to include in their meal deal the following week. It was brilliant to see everyone using their communication skills and speaking confidently to a range of people around school. 


In the afternoon, Mrs Cobham led the group in creating a logo and name for our new business venture. The class settled on “11G Munchables”. 


On Thursday morning we visited Gill and Iris at Chorley in Bloom again. This week we were getting hands on with the gardening and we all helped to get rid of any weeds from around the site. Gill and Iris commented on how well everyone had worked as a team and what a difference they had made to the site behind All Seasons. We will not be at Chorley in Bloom next week due it being World Book Day. 


Thursday afternoon was reserved for some learning around St David’s Day due to us being at swimming on the actual day (Friday). We looked at some of the history behind St David’s Day and why it is celebrated and we learnt how to say Happy St David’s Day in Welsh. Following this, we all completed some St David’s day themed artwork. 


On Friday we were back at Hindley swimming pool for our lessons. There was a good amount of effort from everyone this week, we were very impressed!


A huge congratulations to Danny who is our Star of the Week this week. Danny has been dealing with a difficult situation over the past few weeks and has been very open and honest about how he has been feeling, even though this has been difficult for him. Danny has also listened and taken on board advice given to him from staff and his peers. Well done Danny!


Our entry level Maths exams begin next week, we will keep you updated with how they go. It is careers week next week and we will be having some special visitors on Wednesday and Friday to speak to us. This means that we won’t be swimming again next Friday, apologies for the inconvenience. It is World Book Day on Thursday and this year’s theme is Superheroes and Villains. We look forward to seeing everyone’s costumes!


Have a good weekend. 


Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham, Miss Greenwood and Mr Crofts