This week on our weekly visit to Nuffield gym the group met Justin a PT who kindly stepped in for Ashley who was unable to meet with us this week. However, Ashley had left details with Justin of what the group had been working on in the gym. After a short warm up and stretches the group helped Justin set up a circuit of exercise equipment that they then accessed on a rota basis.
The group showed great determination and positivity in completing all the exercises which included a sledge push which they all really enjoyed.
To finish this week the group asked Justin if they try to do pull ups, they did try last week and they wanted to test themselves again. With a lot of effort they all performed a pull up to the best of their ability.
The group then moved to the Cafe area were Justin had agreed to answer some questions as part of their careers week on what personal skills and qualities he thought were important to his working life. This information was important for the group to complete an ASDAN module of work and also provide them with a comparison to their own personal skills and qualities.
A very busy visit to the gym but with a very rewarding outcome.
Thank you Justin and the staff at Nuffield Health.