Over this half term in our learner led “good to be me” sessions we have been talking about “worries.” Through our group discussions we have realised that we all have worries and feel anxious sometimes and this is ok. We have talked about what worries us and some of us have very similar worries. Mrs Cobham wrote our worries on leaves and we made it into a worry plant - he eats the worries and makes them bigger. The following week we looked at the worries on the leaves and talked about what we could do. Everyone agreed that talking about a worry is the best thing we can do and the learners came up with a list of who would be a safe adult and we made it into “weed killer” to kill the worry plant. We decided that sometimes it can be hard to be honest about what we are worried about especially if we think we could get into trouble but it is still important to share this. Then we looked at our bodies and thought about how worry can affect us. Through our discussion we learned that worry affects our body in different ways and we made a body map to show this. Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking at things we can that will help when we are worried or anxious.