Willow class have had another fantastic week this week! We are really enjoying our topic under the sea. One half of Willow made under the sea biscuits this week whilst the other half went swimming. They were brilliant at swimming and ventured into the big pool. We were so proud of his group for being so brave.
The group that made under the sea biscuits did amazing listening and were able to talk about safety rules in the kitchen. They also followed an instruction sheet to make them mostly independently.
On Monday afternoon, we learned more about our feelings and discussed the zones of regulation. We are enjoying talking about our emotions and different strategies we can do to help.
On Tuesday we had a great what’s in the box session about the life cycle of fish and it was so much fun revealing each stage.
We also had a special visitor on Tuesday who did a really fun lesson all about under the sea. The children loved trying on the different under the sea animal hats.
Willow class have also been working on communication in snack times and they have been practicing their money skills too.
on Wednesday we had a party to celebrate Mrs Prices special birthday which was on Monday. We enjoyed playing some party games and having some lovely music.
We later enjoyed our music lesson in the afternoon.
On Thursday we enjoyed PE in the hall where we worked on our balancing skills and making different shapes while walking along the benches.
We ended the week by doing some under the water themed writing and enjoyed our Golden time in the afternoon.
Have a great half term and see you all on the 3rd June.