11 Jun

Willow class 10 June 2024 and Rainbow Day

Willow class have had another fantastic week! On Tuesday, we learnt about the creation story in R.E. and all about the word ‘creation.’ We put our creativity to the test and used our imagination to ‘create’ whatever we wanted to with a range of craft materials. We were really proud of our…

21 May

Willow class 20th May 2024

Willow class have had another fantastic week this week! We are really enjoying our topic under the sea. One half of Willow made under the sea biscuits this week whilst the other half went swimming. They were brilliant at swimming and ventured into the big pool. We were so proud of his group for…

10 May

Great week in Willow class

Willow class had a fantastic week last week. We enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a sea turtles and doing fun activities related to that. We also enjoyed our trip to Asda where we bought items off a shopping list to make our under the sea themed biscuits for next week. All of Willow class…

26 Feb

Welcome back Willow class

Willow class have had a great first week back. A group of us went to the library and chose some books, we enjoyed singing with a children’s group that was already in the library. We also made good progress with our house design our ideas! We enjoyed taking part in a sensory story of ‘We’re going…

5 Feb

Brilliant week in Willow class

Willow class have had a brilliant week. We have been learning about different habitats and did a fun attention autism session on super worm. We talked about the habitats that worms live in and we did a fun worm splat. We have been discussing kindness too and we had a group discussion on what makes…

26 Jan

Willow class w.c. 22.01.23

Willow class had a fantastic week last week, we are so proud of the progress they are making!

We started the week with some P.E. where we developed our striking and fielding skills in rounders. We practiced a throwing skills and our aim as we threw balls into hoops with our partners. We then…

23 Jan

Willow class enjoying the snow

Willow class enjoyed exploring the snow last week. We went on a winter walk and tried to find things on our sheets, we found footprints in the snow, a frozen spider’s web, catkins, frost and other things!

We then played in the snow and made a snowman, the children were really good at rolling…

15 Jan

Arav’s 11th Birthday in Willow class

Arav had an amazing birthday in Willow class. He celebrated with all of his friends and shared lovely cupcakes with them. We sang Happy Birthday and danced to some party songs. It was a great day!


3 Jul

Holly’s Birthday in Willow class

Holly had a great time celebrating her birthday with her friends in Willow class this week! We had lots of fun playing party games and eating yummy cake. Happy 11th Birthday Holly!