24 Jan

Wonderful week 3 in Willow !

This week in willow class we have continued our theme of healthy hero’s. Some children had a walk to Asda to shop for their own healthy foods to use in food technology. Later in the week the children accessed food technology and used lots of skills from reading instructions , taking turns and…

19 Dec

Breakfast with Santa in Willow !

Wow ! Willow class have had a very exciting week starting off with our carol service in the hall. The children did an exceptional job with singing and signing in front of lots of parents and carers. It has taken lots of practicing and lots of hard work for the children and staff. 
Later in the…

21 Nov

Super sensory stories in Willow !

This week the children have worked really hard. We have celebrated international mens days! We have talked about positive male role models in school and positive male role models in our life at home. We had an open class discussion about who is special to us and why. 
In PE we have worked on…

28 Oct

Willow class get spooky!

Willow class have been learning about Halloween traditions.  Lots of us are very excited about dressing up for Halloween. We have had some spooky attention autism sessions. We have read a sensory story about some skeletons. We counted skeleton bones and tried to put them together again.  Willow…

10 Oct

Amazing autumn in willow class

Our wonderful willow class children have been learning all about autumn over the last few weeks. They have created some beautiful pieces of art using paints and other media and explored our autumn tough tray, including leaves, sticks and insects! We listened to autumn stories including don’t hog…

15 Jul

Exciting week in Willow class

On Tuesday we finished our pictures on the green screen to make us look like we were under the sea. We all had great fun taking the pictures of ourselves and adding them to the backgrounds.

During the afternoon we had another transition and got to know our new friends for year 7. We had fun…

1 Jul

Busy week in Willow class

Another fun sunny week in Willow class.

Some of us enjoyed swimming lesson on Monday morning whilst some of us learned about why and how things float, we did an experiment using cubes.

Monday afternoon we finalised our designs for the making our boats ready for making  at sharing our…

21 Jun

Sports week in Willow class

Monday saw the start off sports week.

Willow class started the week off with a yoga class, we practiced our balancing and learned some new stretches.

Willow class then learned more about feels and different feelings that we feel when we are in the yellow zone, willow class came up with…

11 Jun

Willow class 10 June 2024 and Rainbow Day

Willow class have had another fantastic week! On Tuesday, we learnt about the creation story in R.E. and all about the word ‘creation.’ We put our creativity to the test and used our imagination to ‘create’ whatever we wanted to with a range of craft materials. We were really proud of our…

7 Jun

Willow class 3rd June



The children have coped really well this week when we have had a quite a few staff absences so there have been lots of different faces in class. The children have been very welcoming to the staff we have had in class - Well done Willow class. 


At the start of the week we…

21 May

Willow class 20th May 2024

Willow class have had another fantastic week this week! We are really enjoying our topic under the sea. One half of Willow made under the sea biscuits this week whilst the other half went swimming. They were brilliant at swimming and ventured into the big pool. We were so proud of his group for…

17 May

Willow class 13th May

We have had a great week in Willow class. We made under the sea biscuits on Monday morning and utilised lots of different skills throughout this session. We also had another fantastic swimming session. We then enjoyed discussing our feelings and why we have big feelings sometimes. We played a game…