The children have coped really well this week when we have had a quite a few staff absences so there have been lots of different faces in class. The children have been very welcoming to the staff we have had in class - Well done Willow class. 


At the start of the week we chose our favourite sea animal and used the iPads to find different facts about the chosen sea creatures. 

We also enjoyed making under the sea slime where we enjoyed adding different food colourings, glitter and sequins. 


On Wednesday we went shopping to Asda where we worked in groups and had our list of items to be bought. 

We also enjoyed food technology in the afternoon where we made some angel fish biscuits using icing sugar and smarties.


On Thursday we enjoyed PE the hall where we enjoyed playing rounders and then in the afternoon we painted with different vegetables. Willow class enjoyed painting with the celery, tomatoes and pears the most and make some lovely pictures. 


On Friday we started to look at poems about the seaside- we began today by thinking of our 5 senses and noted down different words about what we see, hear, smell, feel and taste at the seaside. We were able to think of lots of different words which we will keep to help towards making our poems over the next few weeks.