This week has been a hot one, lots of sun cream and sun hats have been needed this week and 7P have enjoyed every second of the nice hot weather. We are super lucky to have our amazing outdoor area, to be able to access the water play to cool us down. 

We have put our rain shakers to good use this week, keeping to the best in our music lessons, as well as keeping to the beat when using the drums. We have some really good musicians here in 7P.

On Wednesday we showed our support to 10A and 11G, when they did their colour run on the track outside. They have been raising money for Rosemere Cancer foundation. They all did amazing and 7P did lots of clapping and shouted words of encouragement as they ran around the track. 

We have all been working on lots of our aspirational learning goals this week and have all done incredibly well with these. 
To end the week, 7P have been treated to a McDonald’s for lunch and chocolate cake for afternoon snack from George. Thank you so much George, happy birthday!!

Another super week in 7P, well done everyone.