9P have enjoyed a busy, and enjoyable week.
One of our favourite activities during the week was going outside in the sunshine to watch some of our older pupils taking part in a colour run and obstacle course, to raise money for a good cause.
This was great fun and it was lovely to have such a lovely sunny day, where we were able to sit on the grass and relax whilst enjoying ourselves.
We all made sandwiches in our weekly class cafe, choosing either ham or cheese, and pairing it with a packet of crisps and a cold drink. We used money to work out how much each item would cost, and how much change would be given. This is always a really good way to learn about adding up and taking away.
During PE we used the parachute to partake in lots of different games, from rolling the ball to each other to lying underneath whilst our class mates wafted us with cold air from the parachute. All of our muscles were aching afterwards as we did lots of running, jumping and crouching down…what a fab way to stay healthy.
Yesterday we took part in a weather walk, using our iPads to take photos of the trees, grass and flowers. We put the photos onto book creator and we were able to talk about the differences between the weather in winter and the weather in summer.
This afternoon we will take part in our celebration assembly before we go home, ready to enjoy the weekend.
Ms Lea.