Yesterday, 8A were welcomed back to school after what sounds like a wonderful 6-week holiday for everyone!

Yesterday we had a calm day focusing on our class routine and some on the changes from 7A to 8A. During the morning, we looked at the rules we had in 7A and had lots of discussions about what rules we thought were important and any additional rules we through that we should introduce to 8A. Together we created a refreshed set of rules that all 8A learners have signed in promise to follow this year.

In the afternoon we had lots of discussions about our summer holiday adventures and shared some pictures and videos of what we have all been up to. We heard lots of amazing stories from going on holiday (on aeroplanes and in caravans) to having family days out to the park, play centres, Blackpool and mini golf!

Today, we have been practicing some of the writing skills we were working on last year. This morning, we wrote sentences about our summer holidays while challenged with remembering the key essentials of sentences writing – including, full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. This afternoon we created simple ‘the pieces of me’ posters showing some current facts about us that our teachers can use to get to know more about us.