So, Tuesday saw us return to school.. as Year 10s! Everyone appeared happy to return and share stories of what they had been up to over the holidays. Some great adventures were had by the sounds of it. We started the day playing games altogether, giving us chance to catch up after the 6 week break. We worked together to complete 300 piece jigsaw puzzles, took turns playing Kerplunk and asked probing questions to figure out what animal we were showing on our headbands - it was trickier than it looked! 

On Wednesday we introduced our new breakfast station. To build independence, we have created a breakfast station, where we can make our own toast, crumpets, bagels and cups of tea! It has already been a huge hit and hopefully these skills will transfer to home! We were back swimming at Hindley Pool this week. Technique was as good as ever.. but stamina needs a bit of work again after not swimming for such a long time! We only had a short session, and still had complaints of being tired! I'm sure it will build up quickly!

On Thursday, we wrote a letter to our future selves, that we will open at the end of Year 11. We thought about what we wanted to achieve over the next 2 years and how we are going to achieve it, what we are looking forward to and what we want to do after Astley Park. Lots of discussions were had about the future and what it might look like - will be interesting to see how many of our visions come true! 

On Friday we made the most of the lovely weather and spent lots of time outside. We have really enjoyed being back together this week and spending time together again. 

Our Star of the Week this week is Joseph, for fantastic listening skills! Great work!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend :-)