We have had a fabulous first fortnight in 7A! There are 6 learners in our class who have joined Astley Park in September, so we have taken every opportunity to get to know each other. 
So far we have found out that together we have lots of siblings, lots of pets and that pizza is a firm favourite for many of our learners. Mrs Chaloner was also amazed by our musical talents during play dough gym when we collectively banged our play dough in time to the music! 
Learners have been playing board games together to develop social skills and turn taking. It can sometimes be tricky to make new friends but teachers have been blown away by the enthusiasm and positivity that our learners have shown. Everyone has really got stuck in with all activities and it is lovely to see some new friendships blossoming.

Our learners suggested some healthy foods that they would like to try, so we will aim to find a new fruit of vegetable each week to try at snack time. This week we tried kiwi, with lots of learners choosing to taste our new fruit. 

Well done 7A for a fabulous start to Key Stage 3 - we are so proud of you all!