Week 2 in 7P


All the learners have settled in really well in their new class. 


This week 7P went on a scavenger hunt around school. They all went off in their groups and looked for different items. 

We saw lots of leaves when on the track, and beautiful little yellow and white flowers. 

We even saw cobwebs on the bike containers and a super spider in one of our outside classrooms. 

Also, this week we had a go at making our very own sandwich. The learners had a choice of cheese, chicken, ham, lettuce, and tomatoes. They all showed good skills of spreading butter onto their bun. (Staff monitored the amount of butter they put on and what ingredients they got to use. We found out that 7P do like their butter!). 

The learners really enjoyed this activity, specifically the eating of their sandwiches in snack time!


More fun next week !