This week we started off in our usual way of discussing our weekend news, finding out what everyone has gotten up to over the last week. We did some super reading where the children tried incredibly hard and showed the staff how much their reading skills are improving. Some of us went onto a community visit to town.

Swimming this week was amazing, everyone is showing incredible progress in their swimming skills and gave 100%, all of the staff at the swimming baths and in school are super proud!! 

Wednesdays swimming group have also done incredible this week. And the other group of children had their turn for a community visit, buying things that we needed for class. 

We have done some maths work, talking about our feelings and how we think people may act or react if they felt a certain way. Some super reading and some yummy making of Jelly in autumn theme moulds. They tasted YUMMY! 

We enjoyed some extra delicious cakes at macmillan coffee morning, some of our parents/guardians came to enjoy some with us too. We did some tapping to the beat in music too.