Wow! What an amazing week in Oak class! We have not stopped learning, from counting and matching numbers at the beginning of the week to exploring ‘The Colour Monster’ as our social story. We looked at feelings and created our own Colour Monster by choosing the coloured feathers ourselves.

This week’s swimming group showed amazing travel training skills while journeying to the pool! In the water, everyone had lots of fun splashing, playing with the toys, singing songs and blowing bubbles!

Linked to ‘This is Me’ we are learning about the stages of getting dressed and this week we applied this skill to dressing babies in class - they all showed lots of care while following the sequence of items to dress the babies. 

This week’s shopping trip to Asda was great, so much on our list to buy for snack time, cooking in class and our sensory tuff trays. Well done on buying everything on the list! Their independence in the cafe is growing each week, ordering their lunch and showing lovely table manners.

Once the food items arrived back in class, we were ready to sing our cooking song and make delicious sandwiches. Again, their food preparation skills are growing each week, we even explored some delicious, coloured spaghetti in our outside classroom!

In the hall some children from Oak class followed a sensory circuit of the following: diddy cars, beanbag, tunnel, climbing and balancing. Lots of happy faces, while outside a group of children used the playground road markings on bikes to increase their road safety skills.

We’ve had a birthday this week in Oak class! Matthew turned 9 and brought in a delicious cake for all his friends. We sang Happy Birthday and had party music on! Have a super weekend celebrating your birthday!

Finally, we have listened to a new sensory story linked to Autumn, the class loved the water droplets, sun beams, crunchy leaves and sound of twigs snapping.

All staff in Oak are so proud of each member!