This term 9A have done some fantastic work in our speaking and listening in circle time. To help us remember to take turns to listen and to speak we use ‘The talking turtle’ which means that we can speak if we have hold of it and if we don’t then it we listen and wait our turn to speak. This has worked really well and we have had some fantastic conversations and pupils have asked their friends some great questions. Everyone took part and clearly enjoyed the lesson.

In Maths we have continued to work on ‘number’ with additions and looking at one more and one less and we have also been practising our money skills to chose different coins that can be used to make the same amount.

We have seen some dancing stars in PE ! Class have been learning the moves to High School musical dances and have had great fun.

After completing a electrical circuit in Science, next time we introduced a switch into the circuit, and pupils saw that they did not have to disconnect the battery to be able to turn the lamp on and off. Staff were really impressed how hard everyone worked and how much they solved for themselves independently by having a play with the equipment.

At the end of the last week we had a lovely afternoon making some Halloween decorations for the school disco. There were spider webs, sun catchers and lots of pumpkins. Everyone did a great job!