This week we started off in quite a different way. We completed our usual morning routine, and then headed outside to listen to Mrs Chaloner play the last post. What a beautiful way to honour those that have served for our country and those who are still in service.
Miss Hendy spoke with the children about what Remembrance Day is, and why it is celebrated. Miss Hendy then showed us some photos from when her dad was in service, and when he has taken part in the remembrance parade! Throughout the rest of the day, we took part in lots of different activities linked to Remembrance Day.
We have completed number challenge in the morning, where the children worked really hard to complete a number of different activities. We did some work around internet safety and some of the other children worked on how to log into their accounts on their iPad with more independence.
We have worked on a beautiful kindness tree in class, writing what makes someone kind. We spoke about ways in which people are kind and how this makes people feel. We came into school in our odd socks to celebrate friendship week.
Friday has been super busy. We came to school in our own clothes and brought in a donation to go towards children in need. We have learnt about why we do children in need, and other ways to raise money for the charity too. We then took part in pudsey themed activities.
Another amazing week in 8P this week, celebrating a variety of amazing things! Well done 8P!!