Last Monday, 8A learned about Martin Luther King JR. 8A had never heard of Martin Luther King before and enjoyed learning about him, his important work and why he is famous.
8A participated in a Circle Time session where we shared stories and facts about Martin Luther King JR and watched a short video about his life and his work. We learned about his speech called ‘I have a dream’ and shared our individual aspirations for our futures. 8A shared different ideas, including, having a family and caring for children, being a firefighter and saving people and helping people by learning how to fix cars.
Later, we completed fact files on Martin Luther King JR; applying some of the skills we learned in the autumn term. 8A found out lots of information about Martin Luther King JR, including he was a peaceful man who used his voice and not violence to share his ideas, that he was born and lived in America and that he fought for people to be treated equally no matter their skin colour.
Super work, 8A!