Welcome back 10A. We have a very busy half term to look forward to. All the learners enjoyed catching up with their friends on Monday morning and sharing their holiday news.
We looked at picture news about a campaign in York called “ Girls can have short hair. Get over it”. It’s about a girls football team who are fed up of people thinking they are boys if they have short hair. We looked at some pictures of girls with long hair and girls with short hair and asked the learners what sex they thought they were, some said the short haired girls were boys. We then talked about what makes us special and unique and drew pictures of ourselves and described what makes us different from our friends, our likes and dislikes and our different features.
In the afternoon some of us went to Tesco to get snack and ingredients for food tech on Thursday. We walked down to Tesco and caught the bus back using the skills they had learnt last term. The others in class caught up on some Asdan work.
On Tuesday morning for maths we went around school looking for 2D and 3D shapes, the learners had to take photos of all the different shapes they could see around the grounds. When we got back into class we discussed the shapes and their properties.
In the afternoon we visited All Seasons Leisure Centre for our P.E lesson, this term we will be learning skills to play tennis. All the learners enjoyed their afternoon practising how to hold the tennis racket correctly, serving the ball and passing safely to a partner.
On Wednesday morning, we all took a writing test to see our current knowledge and see what we need to learn. Following this, we moved on to our maths lesson, one group focused on recognizing different 2D and 3D shapes, another group explored turns and angles, and the third group began to understand angles within shapes. In the afternoon, we visited the library with the aim of finding books for pleasure reading in class. We spent some time in the library, enjoying our chosen books. Some of us chose fiction, while others chose non-fiction.
On Thursday, Miss Bentham introduced our new ASDAN unit "Parenting Awareness." Using our iPads, we researched how to care for a baby before birth. Working in pairs, we researched information and recorded what we found. We learned about ultrasound scans, prenatal appointments, and things to avoid during pregnancy. In the afternoon, we applied the skills from our previous ASDAN unit to make an omelette. We attempted this independently, without following a recipe. Before we cooked the omelette we had a discussion about what we need to do to make the omelette. We all worked well and was able to take some of our omelette home to try. This was described as “tasty”.
On Friday morning, we continued with our work experience. Some of us supported other classes in the school, while the rest of us did a stock take of various resources, within school. In the afternoon, we relaxed and enjoyed Golden Time. This week's star of the week is Daniel - for being a great friend whilst at the library, giving away the book he had found to a friend he knew would also like it.