Before half term pupils in 9A practiced their road safety skills whilst walking to Chorley Library. They used a zebra crossing where ever possible waiting until cars stopped so they could cross safely. Everyone had a lovely time at the library looking at all the different kinds of books and choosing one to look at whilst we were there.
In class there have been lots of different activities going on. In music everyone has carried on with listening to different patterns of beats and then trying to remember what they have heard and repeating it in different ways, like on a drum, clapping or using their feet to stamp out the beats. We carried on with our ‘Seaside’ theme and choose sea creatures to sketch.
We have been thinking about things that affect social relationships, like how making a good choices like sharing, honesty and kindness can help us all to build positive friendships and relationships. We also thought about ‘personal space’ and how we need respect each other.
In sharing our learning our learning parents and carers joined 9A in their RE lesson. One group learned about what peace means to different religions, pupils did their own research to find facts and remember what they have learned in the past about all the different faiths. The other group joined in activities sorting what they thought were good and bad choices.