4 Jun

Week 1 9A Summer 2

Welcome back 9A, how fast has this year gone? We are in our final term of Year 9! We’ve had a very busy year, and have lots planned for a busy last term. 
This week in maths we are looking at division, the learners used whiteboards and multilink to find ways of splitting numbers equally. 
In My…

18 Mar

Week 5 9A

This week in Maths we have finished our topic of data and statistics, we split into groups and looked at charts, line graphs, pictograms and collecting and reading data. On Monday we started making our world war 2 planes to show parents and carer’s when they come in for sharing our learning next…

11 Mar

9A Week 4

This week you will see a new face in our pictures as we have a new member of the class team, Miss Knott. Miss Knott has been a great help and we are happy to have her.

This week is Neurodiversity Week in school, we started our Monday Morning off by talking about how our brains are different and…

4 Mar

9A spring 2 week3

On Monday morning we recapped on fractions in Maths especially quarters, we are all getting really good at them. After break the girls went to girls group and the boys did some reading.

In the afternoon we did some reading comprehension about evacuees and their parents in WW2 and we answered…

20 Feb

Welcome Back 9A

Welcome back to spring 2, hope you’ve all had a lovely break. We’ve got a very busy half term again and lots of things to look forward to. 9A welcomed a new pupil into class, they have all been very friendly and we look forward to getting to know him. 
On Monday morning as the learners came into…

29 Jan

9A week 3 Spring 2

On Monday morning in My Thinking and Problem solving we looked at column addition, we all worked together to solve a problem on the whiteboard with Miss Bentham. Then we solved our own problems using numicon if we needed it. 
Aftef break we did some reading and sounds-write with Mrs England.It…

7 Nov

9A Autumn 2- Week 2

9A’s Blog in the learners own words. 

On Monday morning we looked at numbers in maths and some problem solving. In My Communication we started writing our own stories about a planet we have invented. We are learning about death and funerals in Understanding the World. It Has Been Raining All…

17 Oct

Week 7 9A

Last week in school, we are all ready for a rest after a busy half-term. 

On Monday morning the learners started to create their own Kahoot! Quiz about the things they have learnt over the last half term. In My Thinking and Problem Solving we played a game to work on our number value and…

11 Oct

Week 6 in 9A

Another busy week in 9A!! 
On Monday morning we looked at some leaflets and started doing our own research to design a holiday leaflet to a different planet. We found out some very interesting facts to help persuade people to visit. In the afternoon we talked about rockets and Miss Bentham said…

11 Jul

11G Get Chilly

11G had a wonderful time at Chill Factore for their end of year treat. We travelled to the Trafford centre on the Sunshine bus and we went to McDonalds to order our lunch. We then headed over to the Chill Factor to get kitted out in our warm waterproofs and snow boots, then we went into the…

30 Jun

11G Fundraising Hero’s

As you may remember 11G did a Triathlon a few months ago to raise money for Rosemere Cancer Foundation. 

Today a lady called Yvonne from the charity came to school to take some photographs and to collect the sponsorship money. 

We raised £600 for this wonderful charity. 


11G you are…

16 Jun

11G Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

11G took part in their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition this week. They all worked really hard and were amazing. 

On Tuesday we travelled on the school mini bus to Borwick Hall where the pupils made their own lunch, they each made a sandwich, then chose some crisps, a chocolate bar, some fruit and…