This week at Astley Park it’s been Careers Week and 7P got involved with this.
The class looked at a PowerPoint about different jobs the learners could do when they get older.
We looked at what chefs do and doctors just naming a few.
You will be interested to know that in 7P we have learners that would like to be a fairy catcher, dancer, a few gamers, a swimmer, a vet, video game tester, farmer, racing car driver and a taxi driver.
We went on to do different activities all about jobs.
The learners looked at the job they would like to do and researched what they would have to do in that job and what clothes they would have to wear.
The learners then matched up from a sentence who did what job and matched it to the picture.
We also did some great drawing of their ideal job. We also identified the people who worked in the community and who we would go to in order to help us to solve a range of different problems.
We also enjoyed celebrating international women’s day. We first read through a PowerPoint all about why we celebrate international women’s day and named the special ladies in our life. This included mums, grandmas, aunties, nieces and friends. The learners then made a lovely card for the women in their life, bookmarks of famous women from history, some learners sorted through the boys and girls pictures, they drew the special women in their life and wrote a sentence about them and they also liked watching a story all about special women. Well done!
Well done finished off the week watching a video on who works in our community.
Well done 7P for some great work.