14 Jun

9P Summer 2. Week 2.

What a lovely week it has been for staff and pupils of 9P. 

We have been celebrating our own version of Pride week with lots of discussions around families, awareness, acceptance and equality. We have used power points and colouring sheets to learn more about how we are all different, and how…

15 Mar

Careers Drama Workshop

Today KS4 and KS3 had a very special visitor; Kerry from Lowther Theatre came in to run a short workshop with a few of the KS4 and KS3 classes. We talked about all of the different jobs that are involved in the theatre, from actors and dancers to the lighting and sound production to the people who…

11 Mar

Careers Week 2024

What an exciting Careers week at Astley Park School!!  As part of our careers programme, learners have taken part in lots of activities linked to jobs and careers. 

KS4 students have undertaken inverse job interviews, speaking with local employers to find out lots about the local labour market.…

11 Mar

9A Week 4

This week you will see a new face in our pictures as we have a new member of the class team, Miss Knott. Miss Knott has been a great help and we are happy to have her.

This week is Neurodiversity Week in school, we started our Monday Morning off by talking about how our brains are different and…

8 Mar

9P look to the future and World Book day.

This week 9P had the exciting opportunity to attend Careers week in school. On Wednesday and Friday some of Astley Park alumni were invited in to talk to us about what they have done since leaving school.

Our learners all sat listening intently whist they spoke and found this extremely…

8 Mar

Careers week with 10A

A very exciting week in 10A for careers week.

We were very lucky to receive a talk from past pupils of Astley Park, they each told us about their experiences since leaving school and entering into college or work. There were some very interesting stories and we had the opportunity to ask…

7 Mar

Careers Day in 8A

Careers week in 8A.


This week 8A learners have been looking at jobs people do. 

To start our careers discussion off, 8A participated in a game of jobs bingo. 

The bingo cards had lots of jobs that people do. There was a refuse collector, a doctor, a delivery person and many…

4 Mar

9A spring 2 week3

On Monday morning we recapped on fractions in Maths especially quarters, we are all getting really good at them. After break the girls went to girls group and the boys did some reading.

In the afternoon we did some reading comprehension about evacuees and their parents in WW2 and we answered…

16 Jan

9A Week 2- Term 2

On Monday morning we had maths. We finished off our Capacity work and played a game to test how much we remembered. In my communication we had a think of some questions about the police to ask the PCSO on Wednesday. After lunch we did yoga to help get us ready to learn again. Then we learnt about…

21 Jul

9A Teddy’s ice cream van work experience!

Today, Teddy had a fantastic time performing work experience in the ice cream van that visited school for the end of the school year. He did an amazing job and followed instructions well. 

He learnt how to: 

- dispense ice cream out of the machine (with support) 

- put sherbet or…

30 Jan

Willow Class learn all about the work of lifeguards

Today we were visited by our very own Astley Park Lifeguard - Miss Potter! We had the opportunity to ask her questions to find out about the work of lifeguards before we tried on the lifeguard uniform and pretended to jump in the pool and save someone. We watched videos of lifeguards working and…

24 Jun

Lancashire Careers Hub Conference 2022 #inspiringlancashire @InspiraforLife @LancsSkillsHub

Yesterday, Mrs Linde and I attended the Lancashire Careers Hub Conference at Ewood Park. We attended three workshops - Careers in the Curriculum, Encounters with Employers and Experiences of the Workplace. We were able to share some of the outstanding practice that occurs at school, and we gained…