Week 14 has been a very busy and active week for some of our learners from Oak class. It was Sports Week, so Mrs McDonnell and Mr Murphy planned lots of activities and challenges. Oak class teachers even set Oak some of their own sports week challenges too.


Sports Week - Week 14: 

  • Amelia has completed two of our six-star challenges, throwing and catching and climbing! Great work Amelia!
  • Ethan had his first Tap dancing lesson online and has worn his special tap shoes to complete some of our challenges. He has been jumping, running, ‘swimming’, balancing and more. Wow!
  • Oscar has been busy completing the six-star challenges, copying Mrs McDonnell’s warm up video, hitting a ball with a bat and throwing a ball. Oscar has learned a new skill too. When it was very hot outside, he used his Wii to play tennis! Super work Oscar!
  • Isobel and Oliver both joined in our class video call doing different exercises with their friends – Great work!
  • Josh has been very busy completing a mixture of class challenges of six-star challenges. Josh has been jumping, balancing, hopping, throwing and more. Wow!    


Oak Get Moving! – Week 14:

Our focus of Week 14’s online class activity was ‘Get Moving!’ to support our learning and participation in Sports Week.

We enjoyed some movements and exercises to a Learning Station video and then we calmed our engines down with some relaxation.

  •   Ethan did fantastic listening and Tinga did super watching. Ethan followed the movement instructions very well and copied the movements and actions of his teachers and the video.
  • Oliver and Oscar showed super listening throughout our activity and copied lots of different movements. They both enjoyed relaxing after our exercise and watching the falling bubbles.
  • Isobel loved seeing her friends again and showing off her sparkly pink butterfly top. She did super work following the instructions and copying the movements.

Well done everybody!


Sports Week, Star of the Week - Week 14:

We would like to give a huge well done to, Oscar! We are very proud of you for working hard at home, joining in our activity videos and keeping active and practicing lots of new skills. Great work, what a superstar! Your teachers are very proud! 


Remember: Keep working hard and upload pictures and videos to Evidence for Learning for us to see.


Keep smiling & keep safe everyone! 

- Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs Banks

 (crossr@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk | woodsl@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk | banksj@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk