Well what a busy end to this half term it was this week! It was Mrs Fisher's first week back in school and she was really pleased to see everyone again.


On Monday morning in My Thinking and Problem Solving, Mrs Fisher showed us how to use a new app on our iPads- Scratch Jr. While you are off next week, perhaps you could download it on your tablet/iPad at home and have a play around with it. We took some time to explore the new app and work out what it can do and then Mrs Fisher showed us what some of the different buttons did. We had a go at editing or making our own character to move around and we looked at the different backgrounds too. By the end of the lesson we could all make our character move around the screen. It was fantastic to see everyone working together and sharing their ideas! We took it in turns to mirror our screens to the board at the front of class so that we could show all of our friends what we had been doing. Josh and JJ did some amazing peer assessment- Josh shared with JJ how he could connect all of the pieces of his code to make it work and then JJ shared his idea of making his character say hi that Josh decided to use for his own character. Excellent work boys!

On Monday afternoon it was our turn with the bikes, It was abit wet and cold but we all still enjoyed getting some fresh air and exercise together.

On Tuesday morning in My Communication, we carried on working on our All About Me books that we have been making using the Book Creator app on our iPads. Last week with Mrs Crouch we added some pages about our friends and this week we decided to add some pages in about our families. Mrs Fisher Airdropped everyone's photos to each other so we could use them in our books. Thank you so much to everyone who shared photos with us, everyone was very motivated to look at the their family photos and to tell us more about their family.

On Tuesday afternoon we all took part in some Attention Autism, led by our new member of staff "DJ Carter"!!! We had lots of fun joining in with What's in the Box- the whoopy cushion was the funniest part (especially when DJ Carter managed to pop it!). It was great to see all pupils engaged in the session. It was our turn on the climbing frame next and then we all came back into class to complete our Stage 4 activity of making milk bottle ghosts. I'm sure you'll agree we've got some very scary looking ghosts!

Finally on Wednesday morning we had another go with the Scratch Jr app together. This time, we had to design our own Halloween themed character and make them move around the screen. It was wonderful to see how much the pupils had retained from Monday's session and the confidence in using the app and giving things a go was through the roof! Our challenge at the end of the lesson was to make your character cartwheel from one side of the screen to the other without stopping. It was very tricky but we all managed it! Again, it was brilliant to see everyone working together to help each other and to improve their work too. Excellent work, 7A!

We have also enjoyed our Halloween Playdoh Gym in class this week. If anyone would like to have a go at home with it, pop Mrs Fisher an email and she will share the video with you to use at home.

Have a wonderful half term and we will see you all when we are back on Monday 2nd November.

Mrs Fisher, Ms Carter, Mrs Taylor and Miss A