This week in Oak Class we have started our new story, The Little Mermaid.
- First we explored a sensory story which Miss Curry delivered, looking at the objects under the sea, discussing the emotions in the story and predicting what would happen next.
- In My Communication we have been using colourful semantics to talk about the pictures and creating sentences. We have also been practicing writing, some of us making marks in sand, some of us writing letters and some of us writing captions for our story.
- In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been feeding sharks different amounts of fish, printing different amounts of fish using finger painting and matching Numicon shapes. We have also enjoyed a fishing game in which the fish had different shapes attached to them. We used the rod to catch the correct fish and talk about the number of sides they have.
- In My Community we have practiced our turn taking skills, using another fishing game. We are all learning to be good friends.
- In our World About Me lessons we have been looking at different habitats for different animals. This week we have focused on polar animals and made a sensory bag for a penguin.
- Finally, in our Me and My Body lessons we have started to learn a dance to a song from the film, Under the Sea.
Well done Oak!