11R had a great week last week. We continued to work on our English objectives focussing on punctuation and spelling. We also continued work on our ASDAN Unit - Working as Part of a Team. We split into two teams and agreed our team rules. Each team then set about assigning roles within their team and agreed what each role would entail. After this, the teams starting working on one of the group projects and set about creating Christmas decorations. The team leaders set their teams to work, with each team member working hard to understand their role. The suppliers got the materials ready and the shape creators got to task making heart shapes. The shape builders then started to wrap gluey wool around the heart shapes before leaving them to set. Whilst this was going on, the marketing team were busy creating the first draft of their flyer and started work on deciding how they would advertise their product.

Everyone in class contributed and one of the main strengths was how eager they all were to help each other. We will be doing lots more to learn about team work in the coming weeks. Keep your eye out for results of all our hard work.

We finished the week off with a birthday celebration.