It's been another busy week for the Chestnut Class children. Lets see what our home learners have been up to ...

Austin has been developing his fine motor skills doing lots of fun activities, such as playdoh gym. 

Bobby has been getting busy in the kitchen baking yummy cakes!!

It has been lovely to see Harrison on our video calls, his friends in class have enjoyed waving and saying hello :-)

Luke has been practising his 1 to 1 counting!! His Mummy said he has been trying really hard so we are all very proud!

Jake has been enjoying messy play which sounds like great fun! He has also been working on his problem solving skills, making his sound and movement toys work :-)

We have seen lots of pictures of Ethan enjoying sensory play and he has even been helping with jobs around the house!!! He has been helping do the washing and doing some hoovering! Great work Ethan.

In School we have been continuing to explore the Countryside. We have had our very own vegetable patch in Class that we have all enjoyed digging up and seeing what we can find. Some of our cheeky farm animals found their way into our muddy vegetable patch so yesterday we had an animal wash with soapy water!!

We have also been working on those important fine motor skills doing mark making on paper, and our gross motor skills making some BIG marks outside with chalk.

Our Star of the Week is *drumroll* ....... Ethan!!!! Ethan has been doing super home learning and we are also very proud of him increasing his independence helping with jobs around the house. Great work :-)

Well done to everybody in Chestnut, we are all so proud of you!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe,

Miss Heaton, Miss Beck, Mrs Worthington and Miss Howarth x