18 Mar

Pancake Day in Chestnut Class!

This week, Chestnut class has had such a fun and busy week! To begin the week, we continued to read ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and did some excellent sitting and listening. We helped Miss Seddon read the story and took it in turns to identify the correct characters on the core board.  We…

14 Mar

Chestnut class try martial arts!

On Wednesday, some of us attended a martial arts event hosted by Chorley Sports Partnership!

We had a go at kick boxing and jiu-jitsu. We jumped as high as we could, kicked and punched mats, and shouted as we punched the air! We even had a go at practicing some self defence moves with each…

7 Mar

International Women’s Day 2025 in Chestnut Class

Today Chestnut Class enjoyed looking at photographs of the special women in their lives. Some of the children used communication boards to describe their inspirational women with kind words like amazing, beautiful and caring! We hope you all have a lovely weekend celebrating the inspirational…

28 Feb

Chestnut go to Iceland and the postbox

Before the half term holidays, Chestnut Class started visiting Iceland and the Postbox. This week, we resumed our weekly trips!

Some of us walked to Iceland. We used visuals to help us find the way and stayed safe by holding an adult’s hand. In the shop, we found the items on our shopping…

14 Feb

Valentines in Chestnut Class


This week in Chestnut Class, our theme has been Valentines. 

We’ve enjoyed a special valentines themed Sensology which included; 

Seeing- Valentines colours with different materials.

Hearing - Listening to the heartbeats with our ears that we made on the drums, choosing to tap…

14 Feb

Valentines in Chestnut Class


This week in Chestnut Class, our theme has been Valentines. 

We’ve enjoyed a special valentines themed Sensology which included; 

Seeing- Valentines colours with different materials.

Hearing - Listening to the heartbeats with our ears that we made on the drums, choosing to tap…

7 Feb

Welcome back to Chestnut Class Miss Seddon!

We’ve loved our first week back with Miss Seddon; we’ve done lots of fun activities throughout the week. 

Monday- In food technology we made orange juice and in class we listened to our hungry caterpillar sensory story. 

Tuesday- We enjoyed lots of gross motor activities in P.E. 

In class…

31 Jan

What a fun few weeks in Chestnut Class!

We’ve had a super few weeks in Chestnut class, here is some of the things we’ve been up to; 

Our Sensory story has been The Hungry Caterpillar- We learnt all about the tiny little caterpillar who ate too much food and turned into a big caterpillar, our teachers then put us into a cocoon…

17 Jan

World Religion Week in Chestnut Class

This year for World Religion Week, Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring light linked to the Sikh celebration of Diwali. We made salt dough Diya lamps during our attention autism sessions and enjoyed turning the lights off and signing about our lamps on Friday afternoon to mark the end of the week.…

19 Dec

Chestnut class breakfast with Santa!

This morning, Chestnut Class had a visit from some very special guests… Santa and his elves!  

We were so excited to see them! Santa gave everyone a present, and we spent the morning playing with them and eating our chocolates.  

Thank you, Santa! 
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! 

29 Nov

Autumn in Chestnut

This term we started our visits to Astley Park. 

In groups we walked to Astley Park and through the woods. 

We explored our senses, listening to what we could hear and looking around to see what we could see. 

We could hear dogs barking, leaves crunching, water flowing and birds…

18 Nov

Friendship Week in Chestnut Class 2024

Chestnut class have had another busy week!

We started the week with Remembrance Day. We explored poppies and painted our own poppy pictures using potatoes. 

On Wednesday we made friendship bracelets! We threaded coloured pasta onto string to match a pattern. We've practiced our turn taking…