We have learned so much about WW1 this half term we are now looking forward to learning more about WW2 next half term.

On Tuesday we enjoyed a teams meeting with our friends, as a team we completed a crossword about internet safety which was good fun and we also had time to have a chat and play challenge 3 which is one of our favourite games.

On Wednesday we had our first well-being day in class as this is good for our brains as we focus on our social skills and trying new things. This week Rebecca and Robyn had a go at crochet. They both really persevered and concentrated so they could complete a starting chain, Rebecca had a go at a double crochet - well done both of you - next stop a scarf maybe. Michael enjoyed reading his car magazine he said it made him feel chilled. Lewis spent some time in the sensory room relaxing and having fun. Rebecca has also tried modelling with clay - a duck and a bee.

We have also walked som laps of the track in memory of SIr Tom - it was cold but the sun was out and we enjoyed having a chat as we did it.

Sam has been busy at home and has made fajitas for the first time - well done Sam, they looked very tasty.

Faith has been helping mum in the kitchen and setting the table for meal times and she has completed a colour hunt in the house in addition to all the home learning she has completed  this week - well done Faith. Faith has also achieved a silver six star challenge.

This weeks Stars of the Week are Thomas and Tyler. Thomas has worked hard all half term and has achieved a silver six star challenge and Tyler has been working hard helping mum with the cooking. Keep up the good work

We are very proud of all the home learners and the learners in school who have worked hard all half term to produce some AMAZING work.

Have a well earned rest but if you do anything interesting email it to staff or upload to EFL.