10A - Spring 1 Week 4 - W/B 27.01.25
This week in maths we have continued with working on the four operations, focusing on division Some of us have learnt what sharing is, how to use physical resources to help us share and also how to use factors to divide large numbers by 2-digit numbers!
In Picture News on Monday, the question…
10A Autumn 2 Week 3 - W/B 11.11.24
On Monday morning we learnt about Remembrance Day. We talked about why we commemorate Remembrance Day and what happens on each year on the 11th November. We then went down to the cage at 11 o'clock to listen to Mrs Chaloner playing the Last Post on her trumpet. The whole class were very…
10A Autumn 2 Week 2 - W/B 08.11.24
This week saw some of us continuing with addition and subtraction in maths, looking at how to break down word problems so solve the questions. Some of us worked on multiplication and division, using written methods to find the answers.
In English, we have been writing letters to local garden…

10A Autumn 2 Week 1 - W/B 28.10.24
Welcome back to Autumn 2 - this will be a long term with lots of exciting things happening along the way, leading up to Christmas! As I forgot to publish the blog at the end of last term, some of the photos are of our last week in term 1 - apologies!
The week started off with us making some…
10A Week 5 - W/B 30.09.24
Maths this week has seen us continue with addition and subtraction, with some learners working on adding 3 1-digit numbers together, adding tens across 100s and even adding and subtracting fractions!
In English we have been working on our reading skills, spending lots of time reading our books…

10A Week 3 - W/B 16.09.24
Last week, we decided in our English lessons that we would write a letter to Joe Wicks to tell him all about our topic Healthy Living and to ask him if he has any tips for us, so today we thought about what we wanted to tell him and what questions we had for him. Hopefully we will get a reply! In…
10A Week 2 - W/B 09.09.24
So Monday started with us reading examples of letters, written in a formal tone. It was funny reading what the people were complaining about but we found some interesting vocabulary that the author had used to get his point across. After break we had maths, where we are recapping addition and…

Welcome back 10A - W/B 02.09.24
So, Tuesday saw us return to school.. as Year 10s! Everyone appeared happy to return and share stories of what they had been up to over the holidays. Some great adventures were had by the sounds of it. We started the day playing games altogether, giving us chance to catch up after the 6 week…

9A Summer 2 Week 6 23/24
This week in maths, we continued learning about position and direction. We have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise directions, applying our learning of fractions when talking about quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns, plotting coordinates to draw shapes and translating shapes…

9A Summer 2 Week 5 23/24
This week we started our new maths topic, position and direction. We have been looking at the directions of turns, starting with left and right, moving onto clockwise and anti-clockwise. Some of us have also been looking at the position of coordinates and labelling what they have seen. In English,…

11R Summer 2 Week 4
Last week was another busy week for 11R!
On Monday we had Miss Anderton for maths in the morning, where we started to plan our dream bedrooms, looking at sizes of rooms and how we would begin to cost everything up. In the afternoon we had science, where we continued to look at energy by making…
9A Summer 2 Week 4
These weeks are just flying by - and the warm weather is definitely helping!
This week we have introduced a new regulation slot into out timetable. This involves getting outside and using battle ropes to get us energised in a morning. The learners have enjoyed spending this time outside. In…