Oak class have been superheroes this week! We have had so much fun in forest school, on the climbing frame and of course, in our classroom where we explored our chosen book - Supertato.
For World Book Day, we practiced making prints with potatoes, made our own Supertatos and dressed up as our favourite book characters whilst our teachers dressed up as a pineapple, banana and a broccoli!
Forest school with Miss Armstrong and Miss Woods was so exciting. We had to find colours, made dinner for squirrels before we had drinks and biscuits, took turns to play in the mud and gave the trees a big cuddle!
We have made so many good choices, we have done good listening, good turn taking and such good learning in school and at home.
Isla has been practicing writing the letter ‘M’, Harvey has been practicing saying the letter ‘M’, Bobby has made a lovely Ladybird at home with his mum, Noah has been practicing his writing, Toby has been sharing very nicely with his friends in class and Enrico really enjoyed exploring how water flows between cups.
Well done again Oak Class, we can’t wait to see you back in school next week!