8R have had such a busy and wonderful week this week!
We have all done some wonderful writing and written a diary entry pretending to be an evacuee from World War 2. Miss Brophy was soooo impressed with these!
During the rest of our week we have got super crafty and created some wonderful Easter themed art. We did a nature hunt for lots of wonderful things, like sticks, grass and leaves to create some nature Easter eggs. We really enjoyed this and loved spending time looking at all the nature around school.
On Thursday we made some more Easter art work and create some super cool Easter book marks and also some super cute Easter bunnies which you can see some pictures of.
On Friday we were all super excited after the whole class won star of the week. After this we went on an Easter egg hunt that Mrs Devlin had set up for us. We had 10 eggs to find and all of them had a clue inside that led to the next egg. Our final clue led us back to our class where the Easter bunny, otherwise known as Miss Brophy, had been and had left us some chocolate Easter treats!
We have been absolute super stars this year and have coped so well with all the different things that have happened and our class staff are so proud of us.
We hope you all have a restful and wonderful half term and keep safe!