Astley Park celebrates Diwali
This week at Astley Park, pupils have been learning about the Hindu and Sikh festival of Diwali. It is also known as the ‘Festival of Light’ and celebrates good overcoming evil.
Classes throughout school have celebrated this in lots of different ways, from Attention Autism sessions, to sensory…
Brilliant week in Willow class
Willow class have had a brilliant week. We have been learning about different habitats and did a fun attention autism session on super worm. We talked about the habitats that worms live in and we did a fun worm splat. We have been discussing kindness too and we had a group discussion on what makes…
Children in Need activities in 8A
Children in Need in 8A goes all dotty.
Today is “Children in Need” day in Astley Park School.
We started the day in 8A by doing some Pudsey colouring. Lovely use of the colour yellow and what fantastic spots, well done!
The learners then watched a video of different schools…
Diwali celebrations in 9P.
Today we have celebrated Diwali in 9P.
Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights. In the very old Indian language, Sanskrit, Diwali (or Deepavali) means 'row of lamps'. People light lamps at Diwali to show that light is more powerful than darkness, and good is more powerful than evil.…
Super sycamore week 3 !
This week the children have looked at the qualities in a good friend and together built a friendship wall . We then created a beautiful friendship wreath for our classroom door to show we are all different and each have our own qualities.
In our lesson with Mrs Lane this week we started a new…
9P remember.
In 9P we have been remembering all the men and women who served their country in the different wars.
Remembrance Day is a significant occasion that is observed in many countries around the world. It serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by brave men and women in times of war.…
9P enjoy a short week!
This week has been a very short one due to the heating and water issues in school but we have had a busy two days! This term in PE Mr Murphy is teaching us Dance. We all went into the hall and Mr Murphy chose a warm up dance for us to do, we were all certainly warmed up! He then let us chose a…
Willow class - week 4
It’s been another fantastic week in Willow class. The children have been busy taking part in lots of money related activities including playing money bingo, role play in our toy shop and coin matching games.
Everyone loved mixing paint and making splatter pictures with colours appropriate to…
7A’s powerful poems
7A have been working really hard this half term learning all about acrostic poems. This week we all used our super English skills to think of lots of different words and sentences to use when writing an acrostic poem all about Mr Welsh. We took our time and worked hard to think of lots of…
What the ladybird heard party in Willow class
In Willow class this half term we have been reading the story ‘What the ladybird heard.’ We planned our own party for the end of term. We dressed as animals or in our favourite colours, we had our face painted, we decorated biscuits with red and black icing to make ladybirds, we played pin the…
8P get sporty!
It has been Sports week at Astley Park School and what a busy week it’s been!
On Monday 8P took part in fundamental movement skills this included tig, dodge ball, trying to hit the cones with the golf ball using a golf club. We were all put into separate teams and showed fabulous kindness in…
A colourful week in 8P
This week we have celebrated Rainbow week.
Rainbow week is a joyful and colorful display of love, unity, and resilience, with lots of activities to promote inclusivity, educate, and celebrate diversity.
8P have looked at stories about families and how everyone is different and that is ok. We…