We’re glad to be back in Oak Class and we’ve got our pirate hats and hooks at the ready for this term, exploring our theme of Pirates! 

We’ve been practicing our turn taking playing a really fun game of Pop-Up Pirates and we did really well at sharing with our friends. We’ve got so many pirate toys out in our classroom to enjoy and learn with, we’ve been using our imagination to pretend we’re pirates and dig for treasure! We matched the shapes on our treasure with the treasure chests and found some triangles, circles, squares and rectangles. We’re getting really good at naming the shapes. 

Miss Curry read us a Sensory Story called On A Pirate Ship, we got to drive the ship with our plate steering wheel, feel the wind on our faces using a pirate flag, watch the stars twinkle using our torches and listen to the canons fire with our tambourine. 

We had great fun painting our windows for our pirate ship in class and practicing our fine motor skills to collect our gold coins in the sand. 

Oak Class are very excited to see what next week will bring on our voyage!