For our last day 10R planned an end of half term treat of a picnic. Pupils were asked to help with the organisation by firstly doing a spot of online shopping. Each group was given a budget and chose the foods they would like. In maths they totalled up the shopping to make sure the had spent within their budget, later in the week there were more shopping activities to practise money skills. Pupils also gave presentations on what their ideal picnic would be like - where it would be, who with and what they would like to do, there were some lovely ideas. 
When the big day arrived each group checked the receipts from the shopping that Mrs Tolan had kindly picked up for us, and made sure they had the correct change. Next they all made their own food ready to take outside. Luckily the British weather was kind and it was nice fine day which meant we could sit outside to eat. The picnic was finished off with some games on the field, a fun time was had by all !