Today, Maple embarked on the first of many scheduled trips to Asda! The boys have been preparing for a number of weeks through role play, travel training and social stories. 

The boys checked all roads were clear before crossing and gestured thank you to all drivers who gave way at the crossings. There was lots of independent walking.

The boys greeted members of the public politely and remembered all the steps to success before leaving school and once in store:

Get your backpack and wallet, walk to Asda, collect a basket, find your item (breadsticks/Bourbon biscuits/Pom bear crisps), put it in your basket, take to the checkout, remove items, allow cashier to scan, retrieve wallet, pay for items, collect change and place in wallet, put wallet in backpack, pack shopping, walk back to school.

The boys bid the cashier farewell before heading to a shaded bench to enjoy their purchases. Of course there was time for selfies along the route!

A very inviting open door meant an impromptu visit to the barbers shop, the boys greeted the barber who kindly offered them a lollipop each. All lollipops were sent home with the boys. Next time we hope to wave through the window.

Well done shopping group 1!