28 Jun

8P Summer 2 Week 4 23-24

This week in 8P we worked on being Sun safe as we had very hot weather, we learnt that sun cream should be applied every 2 hours, wearing a hat helps keep our heads cool & protects our face from the Sun. We brought water bottles in so we could keep on top of our fluids & stay  hydrated due to…

28 Jun

Week 5 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have continued to explore Under The Sea topic through Attention Autism, creativity, and the continuous provision. We’ve been counting sandcastles, ice creams and sea creatures and finding out how many left when one is taken away. We’ve been practising our pouring skills…

25 Jun

9A Summer 2 Week 4

These weeks are just flying by - and the warm weather is definitely helping!

This week we have introduced a new regulation slot into out timetable. This involves getting outside and using battle ropes to get us energised in a morning. The learners have enjoyed spending this time outside. In…

21 Jun

7A - Summer 2 - Week 1, 2 & 3

We have had a very busy start to our last half term in 7A. 


In Week One, we had a school based week, recapping learning and skills from Summer 1. We had big learning focus in surrounding our creative thinking and creative writing skills. We worked in groups to design a group ‘monster’.…

21 Jun

Ducklings in 8A

Duck visit in 8A


This week we have had a few special visitors. Miss Molloy from Sycamore class arranged for Astley Park to be the proud owners of some duck eggs. The school has looked after these duck eggs and three of the eggs hatched. 

In turn each class within Astley Park have looked…

17 Jun

9A Summer 2 Week 3

This week started with us introducing 'Snack Shop', where our learners were given spending money for the week that they will use to 'buy' their snacks this week. We have been VERY generous with the pricing, with a whole piece of toast only costing 5p and a packet of crisp costing 10p. This will…

14 Jun

9A Summer 2 Week 2

Hola! This week in 9A, we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. Some of us were learning about the multiplication symbol, some of us were learning about sharing and grouping and some of us were even learning about ratio! Great work from everyone. In English, we use our setting…

7 Jun

Rowan class visit the pet shop !

This week Rowan class have been very lucky to visit the pet shop.  Some children travelled via the mini bus and some children used their road safety knowledge and put it to work on the walk there. 
The children enjoyed looking at all of the different animals and talked about the animals different…

25 May

8P Rascals - End of Summer 1 treat!

8P had a fantastic day today at Rascals for our end of half term treat! 
We had our own party room and had lunch there too. 
Thank you to the Rascals staff who looked after us so well! 

Have a great half term break everyone! 

24 May

9A summer 1 - Week 6

9A have had a fantastic end to the half term. We started the week off with a descriptive game where we each drew a head on a piece of paper and then folded the paper. We passed it to someone else and they drew a body. We folded it again and passed it over to someone else for them to draw the…

17 May

Week 5 in Chestnut Class

What a fantastic week in Chestnut Class!

This week learners have been accessing the community in small groups. Learners have visited Nuffield Health Centre for swim sessions learning to follow instructions in water and practising their dressing skills. Pupils have been to Astley Park with Mrs…

17 May

9A- Week 5- Summer 1


This week in 9A we have been looking at Character descriptions. We read a description of a character and then had to draw what we thought they looked like from the description. We had some brilliant interpretations and pictures. 
On  Monday we were lucky enough to have a special yoga…