Willow class have had a busy few weeks!

We have been on community visits, worked on our functional maths skills looking at time, worked on our social skills and phonic skills, baked some amazing recipes, enjoyed team games in PE, learnt about our emotions and regulation states, learnt about Harvest festival and lots more!


In our DT lessons the children have worked so hard to design various musical instruments looking at recycled materials and giving them a new lease of life. 
We have worked on using schedules, photo timetables or multi-step verbal instructions to create these instruments working on our independence skills and fine motor to create them.

This half term we have made tambourines, shakers and castanets!!

To celebrate the end of term and Miss Price’s last day we had a musical party taking turns to choose songs to play along with. We even turned the lights off and got the torches out for a rave which caused lots of giggles!

Miss Price is off to teach in Australia and we all wish her the best of luck. Ashley Park and Willow class are very grateful for how much she has helped our children.


We hope all Willow families have a lovely holidays!