On Thursday 20th October Maple Class showed Racism the Red Card! We enjoyed sharing joint attention and exploring all things Red during Attention Autism and in our red themed sensory trays. We have been finding and putting together puzzles of photos of our face in the tuff tray and recognising our friends. We enjoyed looking at our faces In the mirror and our face reveal activity where we had to guess who was hiding behind parts of the puzzle. We made biscuits and play doh faces adding sensory materials to add detail of our faces.


Maple Class had a special visitor to class, our Equality Governor, Mick Maher who has been enjoying getting to know the children and share in our learning. He joined us for Nurture, Morning Group, took part in our regulation walk and then enjoyed snack with us.  We look forward to Mick joining us for future sessions.


What a fantastic way to show our support, well done Maple Class!