Welcome back Beech class!!!

We started the week with halloween and we ended it with bonfire night!!!

Here are just a few things we have got up to this week ……

We had some spooooooooky ‘That’s Not My Witch’ halloween tuff trays that we had a great time exploring. We listened to some halloween super simple songs and had a boogie in our costumes. Mrs Barrand made a big spider web out of foam and added some scary spiders. We all practised our counting and sang ‘5 little spiders sitting on a web’. 

This week we also got very messy in paint!!! We added lots of different colours in a tray and had great fun splashing around in it. We loved looking at the different colours mixing together and the marks we were making. It looked like fireworks in the sky with all the beautiful colours!!!

We all got creative making our very own firework rockets on Thursday! We drizzled glue, sprinkled glitter and stuck on our tissue paper to look like flames. BLAST OFF!!! 

Today we finished our week with a bonfire!!! Mrs Barrand made a bonfire out of paper, wood and pipe cleaners. We then each had a turn at pretending to toast our marshmallows sat around the fire. 

Great work Beech class!!!