As part of our ‘Emergency, Emergency!’ topic, Maple class have been exploring the important roles of Nurses and how they help us. We have enjoyed our Sensory story, “Ouch! I need a plaster!” and located body parts by placing plasters on dollies. We have been counting and finding one less and showing our understanding of language through matching activities, tuff tray resources, Colourful Semantics structures, following 2 and 3 key word instructions to place the plasters on the dollies and answering Blank Level 4 questions (justifying our answers). We especially enjoyed the role play area, dressing up and taking care of the dollies by wrapping bandages, sticking plasters and using the stethoscope. We loved the visit from Nurse Amy (Theoden’s Mum) who came to class to show us the special work that she does in her job as a Nurse. Nurse Amy showed us how she uses the stethoscope, wrapped bandages and looks after her patients.
Well done Maple Class and big thanks to our special visitor Nurse Amy.