10A - Spring 2 Week 5 - W/B 24.03.25
On Monday Lee was in again and this week she talked about employability. She showed some jobs on the whiteboard and asked if they were fake jobs or real jobs. There were some very funny jobs that people get paid for. The pupils did a questionaire about their School and Home Habits and why these…

A colourful end to the week.
7A have had a very busy couple of weeks.
We have worked exceptionally hard on our Thinking and Problem solving, using cubes to measure different things and solving number problems.
In My Creativity everyone has been learning to play ‘3 Little Birds’ on the xylophone and more recently, the…

Willow class shine
Willow class have had a super busy two weeks. They have completed amazing math work and really pushed and challenged themselves. We made pancakes for pancake day and our learner’s chose their own toppings and decorated their pancake. Our learner’s absolutely love our sensory stories, our new one…

7A enjoy their first week back.
Welcome back!
7A have settled back into school life exceptionally well after the holidays.
On Monday, they got back into their swimming lessons at Hindley swimming pool.
In music, in the afternoon, Miss Troughton introduced us to a new song, ‘Three little birds’ by Bob Marley.…

Wonderful Willow have a great week back!!
Willow have had a great first week back and have been super busy!! The learner’s really enjoy our sensory story of ‘The Hungry Catepillar’ pretending to be caterpillar’s then to transform into butterflies. They have completed really good maths work and shown good engagement and their work has…
NSPCC Day in 7P
Well done 7P. Today we learnt all about the NSPCC in line with NSPCC number day. First we listened to a story all about the NSPCC and then watched a video all about a child that needed extra support and how this charity helps them. We then were very sensible and chatted all about the different…

9P NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet Day
This week, we have had two very important SMSC events: NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet Day.
We learnt about Safer Internet Day using a PowerPoint about the importance of online safety. We also discussed what online threats there could be and discussed the importance of not talking to…

10A - Spring 1 Week 6 - W/B 10.02.25
What a busy half term we have had. Well done 10A you have worked super hard.
On Monday morning we did Maths and after break we did an English quiz. We all worked independently and quietly.
In the afternoon some of us went to Tesco to buy our breakfast things. We walked to Tesco and we…
Willow week 5 and 6
Willow class have had a super busy 2 weeks. Swimming, music, PE, learning about coins and money, role play shop and so much more. We made our own Supertato heroes with a potato and we added different materials to make our superhero, the learners really enjoyed this. Our learners enjoyed learning…

Know yourself, grow yourself -Children’s Mental Health awareness week.
On Monday Miss Troughton delivered Our Creativity lesson with the theme ‘Seaside’. This week we copied a picture by drawing it, then colouring it in. After this we got different materials and used glue to stick it to our pictures.
This week is Children’s Mental Health week.
Children's Mental…

Willow week 4
Willow have been working their little socks off thIs week. We have been swimming, singing, playing musical instruments, having community trips to Asda and learning more about healthy eating and keeping fit. Our learners have done so well learning about money and what is worth more and what is…
10A - Spring 1 Week 4 - W/B 27.01.25
This week in maths we have continued with working on the four operations, focusing on division Some of us have learnt what sharing is, how to use physical resources to help us share and also how to use factors to divide large numbers by 2-digit numbers!
In Picture News on Monday, the question…