A very big thank you to everyone who made it to our Sharing Our Learning session on Tuesday this week. We hope you all had a brilliant time with us. The afternoon featured a mixture of activities: cooking and art. For our cooking session, pupils were given the task of making pizza for their parent(s) by following simple instructions independently. This was a tricky one and we know that some parents were nearly convinced to help out the pupils, but thankfully everyone got to show off their amazing self-help and independence skills. We will be sending the recipes home so that your child can have a go at making pizza for you in the comfort of your own home, all you need are tortilla wraps, passata or tomato puree and then whichever toppings you are in the mood for.
Back in class, it was time for some collaborative Artwork that commemorated the King’s Coronation from last weekend. Everyone was invited to decorate their rectangle shaped piece of art and, once everyone has finished, all the pieces will fit together to create a wonderful piece of artwork. Once they are finished and are up on display in our classroom, we will make sure that we take some photos and share these with you. Finally, we ended our session with a demonstration of our favourite game at the moment outside on the playground. Pupils took the lead at modelling how to play and it was fantastic to see parents joining in too.
This week we have been continuing our Healthy Living topic by running laps of the track every morning, tracking our steps daily, as well as encouraging everyone to have a bath or shower every night (or as close to that as possible) to help keep our bodies healthy. Our step target has increased to 7000 every day and we are thrilled to say that nearly everyone has hit that target this week!
On Wednesday morning it was our fourth swimming session at Hindley swimming pool. We have definitely noticed some improvements in stamina in some of the pupils in class by them demonstrating that they can swim more lengths than they could at the first session at swimming. Our Healthy Living topic is clearly having a positive impact on our fitness!
Wednesday afternoon was a damp PE lesson that continued on Thursday afternoon and featured our own 10G version of rounders. We are hoping to build up to playing a real game of rounders before the end of this Summer term (fingers crossed for some nice weather so we can practice outside).
Thursday morning was Mrs Fisher’s PPA and Mrs Cobham was in charge of some Science work involving solids, liquids and gases. In the afternoon, Group 3 went into town with Mrs Cobham and Miss Loan to learn more about the different shops that we can visit, as well as learning about safe strangers who we could ask for help if we needed to. Back in class, Mrs Fisher, Miss Greenwood and Mr Greenwood were working on our Maths PLGs, looking at money and recognising the different coins.
On Friday morning a group visited Cardinal Newman College again with 10R and Mrs Cobham and Miss Smith. They had a brilliant time exploring some of the facilities that the college has to offer and took part in a baking session where they made gingerbread men. In school, Mrs Fisher and Miss Greenwood were holding down the fort and working on some English based targets including sight reading, workstation and practicing forming letters correctly.
We were all happy to be reunited together in the afternoon and enjoyed playing out in the sunshine before Celebration Assembly. We didn’t have assembly last Friday, so we had two Stars of the Week this week! A massive congratulations to Ty and Tyler. Tyler was awarded Star of the Week last week for massive improvements and determination when swimming, culminating in him swimming without armbands this week! And Ty was awarded Star of the Week for this week for showing a dramatic improvement in understanding of conflict situations and using his initiative to solve one of these situations. We are so proud of both of you!
We are very excited to announce that Miss Loan will be joining our 10G staff team going forward. Miss Loan is an Astley Park member of staff and will complete our 10G staff team. This means our team will include the following people: Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham, Miss Greenwood, Miss Smith, Miss Loan and Mr Greenwood. We have no doubt that Miss Loan will fit in perfectly to our class and she is already getting to know us all very well.
Have a wonderful weekend and we will see everyone on Monday for our first full week in what feels like forever!
Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham, Miss Greenwood, Miss Smith, Miss Loan and Mr Greenwood
Andrea (Joshua's mum)
12 May 2023
Thank you. ????